What do your survival strategies look like?

Survival strategies can be subtle & insidious

You may feel emotions like:

✨ Lack

✨ Scarcity

✨ I’m not enough

✨ Comparison

Or you feel yourself:

✨ Feeling foggy in your mind

✨ Frozen in your body like you can’t do anything

✨ Moving really fast but getting nothing done

When your survival strategies are doing their job of keeping you alive in the familiar behaviors of your life, you will notice your mind telling you:

✨ I’m not ready

✨ I’m scared

✨ I can’t trust myself here

✨ It’s going to happen again

✨ I’m okay here, it won’t work anyway

✨ It’s going to be WAY to much work to change


Your body responses, the voices in your head all of it makes sense!

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️THE BIG QUESTION IS ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

How do you ACTUALLY create sustainable change and receive the LOVE you want in your life?

First, start to notice how your body shows up with survival.

Be gentle by simply noticing how you react to change.

Say it out loud or to yourself.

For example: Wow, feeling all this love & intimacy really fogs my mind and my stomach feels knots and bubbly.

When I think about making more money, I notice I stop breathing and go straight into my head with thoughts of how I have overspent my money and been rejected in the past when I asked for money.

Noticing and Naming is the first step to change.

In ROOTS, we learn how to notice, name, and understand our survival strategies to create sustainable change! Now enrolling new students! Check it out ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️


I became chemically dependent on alcohol, and my life spiraled into darkness.


How to Stop Second Guessing Yourself